Thursday, July 3, 2008

Aspen Homegrown CSA

What's a "CSA"? Community Supported Agriculture, otherwise knows as "subscription farming", is a bargain between the farmer, growing vegetables and/or meat directly for the consumer, and the consumer, who is often part of a buying club. The farmer gets the consumer's subscription money up front, and provides a bountiful bag of food, usually once a week.
Our Fat City Farms non-profit, whose mission is to "Grow Farmers", is funding a "CSA Farm School" in the Roaring Fork Valley of Western Colorado, this summer of 2008. The school is off to a great start! Some of the students have already started up their own CSA Farm, called "Aspen Homegrown", and the Eagers-Thompson household is a proud charter member.
Our first bag of fresh produce arrived on Wednesday, June 25th, and the second week's supply arrived yesterday. We're not finished eating last week's food! Help!
We are eating salads for lunch and dinner, and still we must give away some to the neighbors. It appears to me that the dream of abundant local food is not just a dream, but a distant goal we are working toward, a little closer every year.

Bon appetit!

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